Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Left in the lurch

I preferred to be right in the lurch, but i am left in the lurch unfortunately. Its been few days of group discussion happening between me and many me's inside me. No! result drawn yet.
Well! what is this situation all about?
Its about everything and nothing.
To draw a broader perspective. global war activities, global economic crisis and situations boiling down to affect every citizen of the world from emotions, feelings and relationships. Not many is going good. At these times is where we struggle to find solutions in the limited and bright brains we have. and end up praying God hard to harder.
At these times there is a 5 point command which I believe
1. Stay Positive
2. Face the situation
3. Don't allow situation to dominate you
4. Try to be as happy as possible
5. Have faith and confidence

Its at these times where our real faith and confidence is taken for test. If we are confident and have faith in ourselves we survive and walk out of the lurch finishing it, else we get surrendered in the situation and from there onwards life takes a different turn. This time we end up living our life dominated by situations. This is known as caught in the lurch.
Its been sometime that i keep listening many things from many people and mostly its not a so good news. Sparingly i hear some good news. The end result of my hearing and also few realizations made me to write this blog.


Anonymous said...

hi vishwak, i have read your blog. it was interesting to read, i wonder how you can only name the blog title as different. Every line on your blog is captures and exposes, what the world has faces the problem today and how many people are facing same problem like you its awesome. Every lines on your blog makes expectation what would be the next one, really nice. When i read your blog i found few capabilities you have they are,
good Writing skill, good theme selection. You are the eligible person to enter cinema industry as skript writer.

Vishwak Avanan said...

Thanks Sundaramoorthy! for your flatering comments.
Though i dn't deserve such a lovely comment. I enjoyed reading it.
Anyways! Let me try to write something which desrves your comments.